Some ideas for puppeteers
Puppet Pets:
For Puppet "Pets" The user has a slot where a he can equip puppets (these cannot be used while puppet armour is equiped/used) and then uses a spell in order to summon the puppet. By control +right clicking the puppet it brings up a window in game which has a number of slots depending on the quality of the puppet Puppet weapons can be equped, and repaired, this would allow players to diversify their puppets and make them unique and their own.
Puppet Armour:
For Puppet armour this is treated as actual equippable armour (which takes the place of ninja armour) and could be made so that it comes in sets with set bonuses, this would encourage players to wear full sets of the actual armour. On each set, similar to puppet pets depending on the set specific items they could have weapons equiped to them however it is important that only the same armour slots are use or else players could abuse it and have every slot with a different weapon equipped if they used multiple sets and ignored the bonuses e.g only head, legs and hands in any given set can have weapons equipped. While even 1 piece of puppet armour is equiped the summon puppet pet spell is disabled in order to prevent puppeteers from using both at the same time.
Puppet Husks:
This could be treated as the ultimate version of puppetry and can only be used once the puppeteer either does an extremely hard quest or has it drop from a hard boss he can learn the ability so transfer himself into a puppet husk. These husks should be powerful and extremely rare giving the puppeteer a few new abilities and increasing their armour and health. In addition puppet abilities which the puppeteer gains from transfering the puppeteer could also lose the ability to naturally regenerate health over time but gain immunity to effects like bleed etc. things which would affect humans but not puppets. In order to regen hp they might need to repair or somthing.
Some ideas for weapons: Sound weapons like the guys in the chunin exams, lightining weapons, water, fire, kurunai, melee weapons, whips, grappling hooks (for quick movement), poison smoke etc.